澳门足球博彩官方网址 Foundation and Alumni News July 2023

澳门足球博彩官方网址 Foundation and Alumni News July 2023

Vincennes University Logo

July 19, 2023

​Dear Alumni,

We can't believe it is already July and that next month we will welcome a brand new class of Trailblazers to Vincennes University!  The 2023-2024 year offers the return of favorite activities and new opportunities to stay connected, share stories, and have fun. We hope to see you soon!

                                                                                                      -- Aaron Selby
                                                                                                        Director of Alumni Engagement

Welcome Trailblazers

Future alumni start arriving on campus on August 10, 2023, with classes beginning the following Monday. There is still time to apply for the Fall semester so refer a student online today. ALUMNI REFERRAL FORM

澳门足球博彩官方网址 Campus Among Top Sites to View The Eclipse

We are currently collaborating with offices across campus and the Vincennes community to offer a wide variety of activities. We want to now if you plan on traveling to the area to view the eclipse and what type of activities you would be interest in. Please share your feedback through our quick four-question poll. You can also sign up to receive when the plan is finalized. TAKE THE ECLIPSE POLL

Eclipse facts and information can be found at the Shake Library Solar Eclipse page.

Spend a Day on the Course and Change the Course of a Life
gold alumni

The Spirit of Mac Classic - August 14 Pete Dye Golf Course in French Lick, IN
Called "one of the iconic courses in America” by Senior PGA champion Colin Montgomerie -   now you have the chance to experience the course that “golfers all over the world want to play.” Proceeds benefit the Mac McCormick Scholarship Fund.

The Surveying Alumni Golf Event - August 18 Country Oaks Golf Course in Montgomery, IN
Open to alumni and friends, this long-standing event brings together alumni, partners, faculty and students to share their stories and support the next generation of surveyors. Proceeds benefit the Surveying Program Fund.

For more information and online registration. VINU.EDU/FOUNDATION Click on “Events” To register via phone or receive a printed form: 812.888.6944 or vufoundation@mowangyun.com.


Join the Fun: Concerts, Trips, Homecoming and More

The 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Alumni Community Series is now renewing tickets for the 2023-2024 season!

The season includes the return of the Texas Tenors, the hits of the 50s and 60s with The Starlets, and on to the 70s with The Grass Roots. The groove continues with Night Fever: A Tribute to the Bee Gees, followed by the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra with Steve Lippia and an evening of Jazz with Jaimee Paul & Leif Shires.

*Individual Tickets go on sale August 1st.

Dates and pricing information may be found  on the Alumni Community Series website and please call us 812-888-4354 or email vualumni@mowangyun.com with any questions!

Join us in creating memories and celebrating friendships as we introduce the return of the 澳门足球博彩官方网址  Alumni Travel program


alumni trips

Don't forget to save the date for Homecoming 2023 and follow us on social media for more details!  If you are a former member of the Blazerettes or a graduate of the 1973 or 1998 reunion classes, give Aaron a call at 812-888-4354 to discuss special ways you can be involved!


alumni homecoming

Staying Connected Has Never Been So Easyentrevue

In true Trailblazer Spirit we are taking a variety of paths to share great stories and information - including our newly launched podcast "Entre澳门足球博彩官方网址e."  ILISTEN HERE ON SPOTIFY

Don't forget to follow our social media and photo gallery at
www.facebook.com/澳门足球博彩官方网址AlumniAssociationandFoundation  linkedin.com/company/vincennes-university-alumni-association 

Read the latest edition of Columns, our Alumni Magazine READ COLUMNS SPRING 2023 HERE 


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Vincennes University Alumni Association & Foundation 
1002 N 1st St, Vincennes, IN 47591